November 21, 2010

Smart Tools (ver1.3) Manual

Hi. I'm Android Boy. Today.
I finally released Smart Tools officially.

* Introduction video

Smart Tools was my final desire.
Every of my apps are just a part of Smart Tools series. One for All, All for One.

* Description

Smart Tools is a toolbox of a collection of 1-4 series. It includes 4 Pro versions that have 14 tool.

Part 1. Length, Angle, Slope : Smart Ruler & Protractor Pro

Part 2. Distance, Height, Width, Area : Smart Measure Pro

Part 3. Direction, Metal detector, GPS : Smart Compass Pro

Part 4. Sound level meter, Vibrometer : Sound Meter & Vibration Pro

For more description, see the pages for each of the apps. (Smart Distance is not included yet.). Do you want to have more features? Feel free to contact me.

* Settings
① Init. Settings
② Show/Hide sound button : On several devices, Sound ă…¡eter app doesn't work. In this case, users can hide the icon. Sometimes by firmware upgrade, they could work. Then show it.
③ Unit (Meter ↔ ft)

Thank you.