October 21, 2015

Unit Converter (v1.7) manual

Hello. I'm android boy, the chief developer of Smart Tools co.,

Google Play store already had a lot of Unit Converting apps. But most are inconvenient and difficult to use because of poor and complicated UI (user interface). I've been improving my app for 7 years, so that it became intuitive and simple.

This app would not have all units in the world. It shows only common units selected by users' feedback. The different unit sets will appear depending on your country and language.

※ Introduction video

※ Unit sections
 ① Basic : length (distance), area, weight (mass), volume (capacity)
 ② Living : exchange rate, temperature, time, speed, shoes, clothing, hat, ring
 ③ Science : pressure, force, work (energy), power, torque, flow, current, voltage, density, viscosity, concentration, astronomy
 ④ Misc. : angle, data, fuel efficiency, cooking, illuminance, radiation, prefix, binary (ASCII), time zone, blood sugar, AWG, hardness, number

※ How to use
 1) Select a category (Basic / Living / Science / Misc.)
 2) Select one of 4 sections
 3) Select an unit by LONG-CLICK on the list or click the selector
 4) Tap the input box (pencil), enter numbers with the keypad

※ Currency (exchange rates)
 - 122 currencies of 140+ countries, Bitcoin and XAU (gold)
 - [My currency] is set automatically depending on your telecom carrier and language.
 - You can select a region in the list on the app bar. All / Majors / Europe / ...

 - The refresh icon can get the latest exchange rates from our servers.
 - The exchange rates are based on Bank of canadaFx-exchangeFxexchangeRate, etc.
 - A time delay of 5-30 minutes may occurs. The rates are for information purposes only.

※ Favorites
You can choose your own 4 favorites in Living, Science and Misc. categories.

Toggle check-boxes in the order you want (①-②-③-④).
When [Currency] section is selected, the favorites icon does not appear.

※ By practice, let's register "Torque" section as a favorite.
  ① select the SCIENCE category
  ② click the favorites icon on the app bar
  ③ release one of current favorites

  ④ check the [Torque] set
  ⑤ close
  ⑥ click the [Torque] tab

※ Menu & Settings

 ① My Currency
 ② Region : Europe / North America / Asia / ...
 ③ Custom list : make your own list

 ④ Style : brown (default) / dark brown / black
 ⑤ Sound effect : make sound effect and and the sound of video ads mute
 ⑥ Country selection : different unit sets depending on your section.
 ⑦ Decimal format
 ⑧ Vibration : vibration on/off on keypad

※ Custom list of currencies
 - Go menu > settings > custom list
 - Turn on currency check-boxes in the order you want.
 - You can select up to 10.

※ How to enter fractions
In length and weight section, the keypad has [. /] button that can enter fractions.

ex1) 5 1/4 =>  [5] + [./] + [1] + [./] + [4]
ex2) 3/8 = 0 3/8 => [./] + [3] + [./] + [8]   (Look out!! 3/8 is less than 1.)
       or [3] + [./] [./] + [8]   (newly added)

※ How to enter "ft and inch" at the same time
Select "ft in" unit first. [' "./ ] is the magic button. "lb oz" is in the same way.

ex1) 2' 3.5" =>  [2] + [ ' "./ ] + [3] + [ ' "./ ] + [5]
ex2) 1' 2 5/8" => [1] + [ ' "./ ] + [2] + [ ' "./ ] + [5] + [ ' "./ ] + [8]

※ How to enter "deg min sec"
Select "deg min sec" or "deg" unit in Angle section. You can enter "deg min sec" with [.˚ '] button on the keypad.

ex1) 1˚ 23' 45.67" =>  [1] + [.˚'] + [2][3] + [.˚'] + [4][5] + [.˚'] + [6][7]
ex2) 0˚ 1' 2" =>  [.˚'] + [1] + [.˚'] + [2]

※ How to enter "hh:mm:ss"
Select "hh:mm:ss" or "hour" unit in Time section. You can enter "hh:mm:ss" with [. :] button on the keypad.

ex1) 1:23:45 =>  [1] + [. :] + [2][3] + [. :] + [4][5]
ex2) 0:00:02 =>  [. :] + [. :] + [2]

※ Data storage / flow ?
This app shows data storage and data flow in data section so as to save a tab. It is not a mistake. Similarly, it shows speed and running face units in speed section, too. By the way, do you know the difference of "kb", "kB", "kib", "kiB", "kbps"?
 b : bit
 B : byte
 k : kilo (1000)
 Ki : kibi (1024)
 M : mega (1000 x 1000)
 Mi : mebi  (1024 x 1024)
 kbps : kilo bit per second

※ When I traveled abroad, I could not find some units.
My app shows different unit sets depending on your country. It can guess your country according to your telecom carrier and system language.

When you travel abroad, other unit sets can appear because of overseas roaming. In this case, select the country in [Country selection] option at the settings.

※ What is the ad-free menu ?
Please watch a reward video for 15-30 seconds, so that all ads will be removed for 60 minutes. And an information box will appear like paid version. I think it will be worth it.

※ Landscape mode
It supports landscape mode for tablets. Select more menu (3 dots) at the top-right corner.

Q. How to copy the result to clipboard?
A. Double-tap on it.

Q. How can I convert from gram to litre?
A. "gram" is weight unit, "litre" is volume unit. They cannot be converted. 1L of water = 1kg, 1L of gasoline = ~0.70kg

Q. "kg" is not a weight unit, but a mass unit.
A. I know. weight = mass x Gravity. "mass" and "weight" are same in Earth.
Above all, "weight" is a friendly word and the public do not understand "mass" perfectly.

Q. I cannot find some essential units.
A. Maybe the list has been scrolled up. Just scroll down the list.

Q. I need more units such as kHz, MHz, GHz ...
A. How about using "prefix" section?

Q. How to make video ads mute?
A. Turn off [sound effect] option at the settings.

※ Pro version additional features:
 1) No ads
 2) Info-box for more information (unit name, formula, ...)
 3) More options at the settings (accuracy, layout)
 Get it on Google Play

※ Pending update
- unit arrangement.
- more style with various colors

※ What's new
 - v1.7.1 : Support for Android 14
 - v1.6.1 : Support for Android 11
 - v1.5.5 : Ad-free menu
 - v1.5 : Sound effect on/off
 - v1.4.4 : Copy to clipboard (double-tap on the number)
 - v1.4.2  : My country option, Thai
 - v1.4.1  : (+ - × ÷)
 - v1.3.5 : Reset settings
 - v1.3.4 : Concentration
 - v1.3.3 : Shoes, Clothing, Hat, Custom currencies list
 - v1.3 : Material design, Bitcoin
 - v1.2 : Favorites on Science and Misc.
 - v1.1 : Currency exchange rates
 - v1.0 : Released (Nov, 2013)

If you have any idea to improve the app, feel free to contact me at androidboy1@gmail.com. Thank you.