I published the magnifier app. Many flashlight users wanted it.
It will be integrated into Smart Tools package for free. (:
In ver1.2, to activate autofocus feature,
tab anywhere on the screen.
Later I'll remove the autofocus button fully.
There are 2 screen modes.
1) Magnifier view (only phone, not tablet)

2) Full screen

2) Full screen

* Introduction video
* Features and buttons
1. Zoom : enlarge the camera view. you can use the zoom buttons, the seekbar and the volume button on your device. (not compatible with : HTC sensation, Xperia ARC...)
2. Flashlight : turn on/off your LED light. if your phone had no LED, this button is not be shown. (not compatible with : Galaxy S, ZTE...)
3. Auto focus : to clear the camera view, you can use the autofocus feature in your camera. you may click the camera view, too.
4. Screen mode : change the screen type. the tablets support only the full screen mode.
Thank you.