Vibration Meter is in the 4th set of Smart Tools collection. It uses your acceleration sensor to measure vibrations or Earthquakes, and shows a reference.
The result is related to Modified Mercalli Intensity scale (MMI). Most embedded acceleration sensors are very unstable. Just use this app as an auxiliary tool.
※ Introduction video
※ Effects of MMI earthquake scale
I : Instrumental. Felt by animals
II : Weak. Felt indoors by a few people
III : Slight. Felt indoors by several people
IV: Moderate. Hanging objects swing
V : Rather Strong. Some dishes broken
VI : Strong. Heavy furniture moved
VII : Very Strong. Difficult to stand
VIII : Destructive. Fall of walls
IX : Violent. Noticeable cracks in ground
X : Intense. Almost destroyed
XI : Extreme. Rails bent greatly
XII : Cataclysmic. Total destruction
※ Features
② Reset : otherwise you can tap the paper for sound effect reduction
③ Line-chart / Reference toggle
④ Brightness toggle : to save battery, make the screen dim.
⑤ Play / Pause
※ Menu
※ How to calibrate
Most acceleration sensors are weakened easily, so that calibration is required once a year.
① Go calibrate menu.
② Shake your device as possible as you can. Increase / decrease its sensitivity so that max value reaches about 10-11.
③ Check for your unnecessary values when there is no movement (Zero-point correction).
④ Click [Cut Baseline] button and select an number.
⑤ Repeat ②-④ several times.
Q. Can the app alert Earthquake?
A. It is possible but I don't recommend it. Within 2-3 days, your device will be heated and the sensor will be damaged.
Q. Though my phone did not move, the app showed 2-3.
A. Most sensors show meaningless data. Please cut off unnecessary value with [cut baseline] option.
Q. How to save the data?
A. It is free version. How about getting pro version? It can export 24 hour data to a CSV file.
Q. What is the unit of vibration?
A. It has no unit, just the scale for reference.
Q. What is the unit of vibration?
A. It has no unit, just the scale for reference.
※ Pro version added features
1) Sound meter is integrated
2) Screen capture
3) Statistic menu (chart saving, CSV exporting)
4) No ads

※ What's New?
- v1.6.10 : Support for OS 11
- v1.6 : Line-chart, Sound effect add
- v1.5.4 : Alarm on/off icon on app bar
- v1.5.0 : Sound effect
- v1.5 : Material design
- v1.4 : Actionbar, alarm level added
- v1.3 : 12+ languages support
- v1.1 : Calibrate menu with cut baseline
- v1.0 : Vibration Meter released (Nov, 2010)
- v1.5.4 : Alarm on/off icon on app bar
- v1.5.0 : Sound effect
- v1.5 : Material design
- v1.4 : Actionbar, alarm level added
- v1.3 : 12+ languages support
- v1.1 : Calibrate menu with cut baseline
- v1.0 : Vibration Meter released (Nov, 2010)
If you have any idea to improve the app, feel free to contact me at Thank you.